Heretics of Dune
Heretics of Dune • Frank Herbert
⭑ 9.2 Stars
I'm shocked to say that this book is the finest piece of writing in the Dune series thus far. I had held firm, until now, that the first book perfectly encapsulated the best of science fiction writing, both in plot and language, but what Frank Herbert accomplished with this fifth installment has surpassed that initial success and then some - for me, at least.
Perhaps it's because the broader pieces of the puzzle are in place, having completed the first four books recently, but in Heretics of Dune, new characters are so expertly crafted with such genuine depth, and so eloquently woven into the folds of a history that now extends thousands of years beyond where we started, that I remained thoroughly engaged to the final page - I couldn't put down Herbert’s penultimate masterpiece, and I suspect you'll feel the same!