
• Seth Rogen

⭑ 6.8 Stars

As the weather has improved, I’ve been walking to work more often, which takes about 40 minutes round trip. If it weren’t for the noticeably bright white AirPods in my ears, it’s likely that I’d have been considered crazy to passerby’s the week that I listened to this audiobook on my commute, given my constant and hysterical laughing.

Don’t let the star count fool you, this book is only below a 7.0, because on a scale of literary relevance, it doesn’t hold up to more thoughtful biographies, but if you need a good laugh this is the book for you! I truly recommend listening to Yearbook, because in true Hollywood fashion not only does Rogen sprinkle in a number of high-production value re-enactments and color commentary, but often does so with star cameos and impersonators that will leave you gasping for breathe.


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